5 Types Of People You Will See In A KNUST Exam Hall

It’s mid-semester exam season and very soon, we will be writing final exams too!
Whatever level you are in, you have definitely written exams a number of times and we promise you, you have definitely noticed these different types of people in an exam hall.
Or maybe…you have been one of them before lol
Click ‘Next’ to find out the different types of people in an exam hall.
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You easily get intimidated by these people. They will ask for extra booklets and graph sheets, just 20 minutes into the paper oo! These ones even plead to answer all questions when the instructions say ‘ answer only two’. Never look at them because they will kill your confidence and have you questioning all your answers.

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 These people cannot wait to pour what they have read. The least noise will ruin their life and let them forget everything!! Please have mercy on them and don’t worry them!

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These people give hand signals more than traffic controllers.
They are experts in good body position and farsightedness. They drop their pens more than necessary and if pens could talk, we are definitely sure one of them will scream “Eeeeiii save me please”!!!

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Brethren these people can’t “coman keel themselves.”  “Ati lo Ati de” as Naira Marley said in his song, Soapy. If these ones don’t know the answer to the questions, they will not even try. They just sleep till they can leave and then they do.

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They will ask question upon question upon question only to hear stop work. They are the ones who usually think there’s a problem with a question when it’s perfectly correct too.
Honestly, which one are you? Which one have you been? And who have you noticed doing it?

Source: Kuulpeeps.com
