KNUST: 11 Tips On How To Ace Your Midsem Exams Like A Pro

Midsem IA
The word Examination sends shock waves down the spines of many students around the globe and just like any examination, the KNUST mid sem exams is no exception.
Knust exams are one you cannot afford to go write without adequately preparing for it. The same seriousness you attach to the main exam is the same you need to attach to the mid-semester exam because let no one lie to you…doing very well in the mid sem exams goes a long way in pushing your GPA.
From experience, we know exactly what you need to do to have a stress free mid sem exam!!!
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1. Study Study Study!!
Serious studies, as we all know, is the key to success in every examination. If you nor “moa ” you’ll find your self wanting in the exams hall and that one too go be “Yawa”.
2. Before the day of the paper, get ready your HB pencil, your pen, eraser, rule, and any other thing you’ll need for the exams.
3. At no cost should you forget your student ID card!
4. Get yourself familiar with the venue/time of the exams so you do not confuse the venue/time.
5. Endeavour to be at the exams venue early at least 30mins before time. This will help you relax and prepare your mind for the exams.
6. Don’t forget to write your name and index number on the scannable sheet (with pencil) and the question/answer booklet with a pen. Shade where necessary.
7. Always write your departmental code.
8. Read all instructions very carefully before attempting the questions.
9. Read through the questions carefully and begin from where you can do better. This will help you manage your time very well.
10. Proofread whatever you’ve done on the scannable sheet, the question paper, or the answer booklet. This must be done more than once.
11. Pray before you start answering any question and after your paper each day.
Follow these steps and write your exams in a breeze!
Wishing you good luck and a successful Examination.


  1. Names aren't allowed on Namescannable sheets


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